Human Resources Development (HRD)
Lead CE: Executive Leads - Human Resources: Suzanne Hartshorne (YAS); Kerry Gulliver (EMAS); Karen O'Brien (NEAS), Lisa Ward (NWAS) Executive Lead - Governance and Risk: Angela Wetton (NWAS)
Aims and Objectives
The aim of the HRD group is to regularly meet to work together to share best practice, ideas and learning from each organisation.
On occasions where it is appropriate to do so, we aim to identify items for collective work which we can achieve through the NAA.
The benefits of this approach is to ensure a level of consistency across the four organisations, to pool our skills and resources, and therefore achieving greater things for us all, often in a shorter space of time with a smaller group of resources.
Key Outputs
Key pieces of work so far have been centered around:
- Electronic Staff Record (ESR) education, sharing and networking between the four organisations
- Planning for a conference/connectivity in relation to an NAA Women in Leadership focus
- Scoping of a Northern approach to supporting and nurturing talented leaders to be our future successors
Further Information
For further information contact:
Karen O'Brien - Human Resources Lead NWAS