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Quality Improvement (QI) Virtual Academy

Lead CE: Helen Ray (NEAS), Lead Executive: Maxine Power (NWAS)

Aims and Objectives

Establishment of an NAA Virtual Quality Improvement (QI) Academy


  • Improved staff engagement
  • Improved learning from staff ideas and sharing across NAA Trusts
  • Increased QI capacity, capability and sustainability of QI teaching methodologies
  • Shared learning to support systematic approach to QI
  • Common improvement methods to support future NAA developments
  • Co-ordinated and evidence based approach to large scale improvement priorities
  • Positive impact on NAA profile and platform for wider partnership working with academic and other partners

Key Outputs

  • Establishment of the QI Leadership Council
  • Development of work plans and delivery of: staff engagement; QI training; and a large scale collaborative improvement programme
  • Launch event (now Spring 2021)
  • Establishment of the Advisory Board

Further Information

For further information contact Maxine Power,



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