Lead CE: Helen Ray (NEAS), Lead Executive: Mick Forrest / Mark Newton (NWAS), Clinical Lead: TBC
Aims and Objectives
- Ensure that method of call option embedded within Ambulance Trust dispatch systems/CAD
- Develop and test a system that allows telecare providers to use nomenclature that is common to Ambulance Services
- Develop and test one or more systems that allow telecare providers to take advantage of other healthcare system providers (primary/urgent care services)
- Support telecare provider responder schemes (e.g. falls response) to use a standardised triage tool at scene that links to Ambulance Service Clinical Hubs and wider community providers
- Better understanding of the types and natures of calls from telecare service providers
- A more equitable and clinically focused response from the Ambulance service to telecare callers that is based on better information and more accurate coding of incidents
- Ability for Ambulance Services to use the range of alternative and wider system responses to suitable calls from telecare providers
- A provider level engagement and education programme that telecare users to better use Ambulance Services alongside using other healthcare system providers for their patients
- Establishing relationships between telecare providers and wider healthcare system providers with the intention of creating a more integrated health and social care response to calls
- Dispatch of the most clinically appropriate resource to each patient within a timeframe that meets their clinical need
- An improved experience for telecare services requesting ambulance service dispositions
Key Outputs
- Align 4 EOCs to ensure CAD systems have capability to record method of call (MOC) option as telecare within 999 systems
- Support / triage tool training to support telecare providers to have a better understanding of ambulance service terminology in relation to Pathways and AMPDS triage
- Work with the Technology Enabled Care Services Association (TSA) to support a list of regional providers eg. Primary care, urgent care, district nursing services
- Identify the test sites & test the triage tool. Signpost to local services. Support the responder if other than the ambulance service (warden)
- Interactive pdf developed to feature the support tool, nomenclature terms and information to pass to ambulance service
Further Information
For access to the sharing of practice via the Future NHS Collaboration Platform and for further information contact: Steven Scholes,